The 60th Reunion Story
Fellow Classmates- The only word that can describe our 60th Reunion is AWESOME!
Interesting facts about our OHS Class of ’61.
- The reunion committee:
- Madeline (Pappas) Coleman, Chair; Brent Stocks, Class President; Jack Wahlen; Bonnie (Russell) Wahlen; Karen (Brown) Ottesen; Bill Tribe; Patricia (Wilson) Shelton; Charlene (Fretz) Stricklind; Carolyn (Barrett) Nicholas; Ellie (Peterson) Cole; Charlotte (Bearce) Beeson; Wynn Phillips; Sally (Porter) Ostyen; Jerry Faulkner;
- Our Class Numbers
- Ogden Standard-Examiner dated May 21, 1961, shows 550 getting diplomas. [Read the article here ---
- Our OHS ’61 Classicum yearbook has photos of 310 males and 249 females, a total of 559.
- Garth Westover monitors our classmates, especially obituaries, and keeps class members posted. We presently have 199 identified classmates who have passed on. You can find them under “memories” on our website left menu.
- Web Site Statistics –
- Our site was created on November 11, 2010, so it is almost 12 years old;
- We have had 162,961 visitors to our site since November 2010;
- We have 638 names associated with our webs site. 52% or 228 have joined and receive emails from us. 211 have not joined the site. These two numbers do not include 199 who are deceased. Adding 228 + 211 + 199 we have 638 names associated with our website. This number is more than the 559 shown in our Classicum (see above).
- Information about the reunion at the Timbermine Restaurant:
- 139 meals were served by the Timbermine;
- 83 classmates and 56 guests attended;
- All meals and expenses were paid for by donations to the ’61 Class account by generous class members.
- Originally we were going to Zoom the reunion since President Stock was unable to attend in person due to a recent heart attack. However, his wife Janeece, shortly before the start of the reunion advised that it would be best that President Stock not attend the Zoom meeting due to fatigue, so we canceled the broadcast.
The Saturday Evening Dinner
Arriving at the Timbermine banquet room for the 5 PM start, attendees were greeted at the reception desk by Yvonne Schenk (daughter of Madeline), Sanday (Sachter) Sowerby, and Wynn Phillips. Sandy stepped away and missed the picture taking.
While pleasantries and remembrances were exchanged, name tags were issued, and names were taken by Yvonne for a surprise drawing for a Tiger doll donated by Madeline Pappas. Once inside the hall, one found old friends and talked while slowly gathering together at tables of 10 in preparation for a good meal and the formal portion of the gathering.
With Master of Ceremonies Madeline greeting all, the reunion started with a welcome from Madeline. Then “Chaplin” Lynn Van Wagenen gave a blessing on the food, our country, our classmates, our ancestors, our posterity, and many other things and places.
Upon “Amen” on the blessing, Madeline introduced the Reunion Committee and had them stand for applause. She then presented some letters from classmates who were unable to attend. Lynn Van Wagenen read a letter from President Stock and Bonnie Wahlen read a letter from Judy (Lambert) Hastings daughter, Jennifer. Judy just recently passed away. Lastly, Madeline read a letter from Janice (Roberts) Mozley and a card of appreciation from Lee Hardy, wife of just-deceased classmate Thomas Hardy.
Because of the generosity of providing their home and food for multiple reunion committee meetings, Bonnie and Jack Wahlen were presented a thank-you gift from Madeline which consisted of three different oriental statues.
The surprise drawing was held and Linda Salamino, the spouse of Frank Salamino, was the winner of a $100 gift certificate at Wal Mart and of a Tiger doll to remember the ‘60th Reunion.
To Madeline’s surprise, a bouquet was presented to her with a big “Thank You” from the Reunion Committee for her sustained and detailed work as Committee Chair.
After the formalities were completed, a dinner of one’s choice (steak, salmon, chicken) with salad, baked potato, and rolls was served. Water and punch were the beverages, with cream cheesecake as dessert. The Timbermine did a fabulous job of quickly serving the hot meals and following up with requests and table cleaning. It could not have been better. With 10 classmates and guests around a table, one became reacquainted with them and then ventured out to other tables, when possible. A Book of Remembrance of 199 classmates who are deceased was available for review by those in attendance.
With the winding down of eating our great meal, MC Madeline once again stepped to the podium and called up all of those who played basketball or football to pose for a picture. The picture was a request from President Stock as he played sports and wanted to see his old team members once again.
After the team pictures, class members were asked to retire to the stage where a ‘60th Class Reunion Picture was taken. This picture and others from the evening are found in "Class Photo Galleries" in the menu on the left.
After the class picture, all wandered around and talked, laughed, remembered, and told old stories of the OHS days and beyond. At 9 pm there were still pockets of friends chit-chatting, but slowly the banquet room emptied and the quiet returned after a great evening of nostalgia.
Sunday Morning Farewell Breakfast
Madeline (Pappas) Coleman, the “Hostess with the Mostess,” invited all who desired to have breakfast on her at the Comfort Suites in Ogden, UT at 10:00 am, August 29, 2021. There were 47 who signed up and enjoyed breakfast while sharing new topics or continuing topics from the night before at the Reunion. The very ample breakfast fed all and provided an excellent time to say farewell until the next gathering of the OHS Class of ’61. See their gallery of photos on the "Class Photo Galleries" in the menu on the left.